ISO 9001:2015

We are pleased to announce that we have once again been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
The new Metaltrade warehouse

We are pleased to inform you that we have opened our new warehouse at 3 Hutnicza Street, 43-170 Łaziska Górne, where we store heat-resistant sheets in the grades 1.4724; 1.4742; 1.4746 with sheet thicknesses from 2 to 20. In addition, we would like to inform you that I have the option of cutting these sheets […]
Our new website

We would like to invite you to visit our website, which in recent weeks has undergone a process of transformation towards greater clarity and a user-friendly design. This is also the beginning of changes to our product range – new items will be added in the near future. Our main goal during the redesign process […]
Golden Payer 2017 Certificate

We are pleased to announce that Metaltrade Sp. z o.o. has been ranked among solid and reliable companies which boast the highest payment standards.
Metaltrade na LME Week 2017

London Metal Exchange is the centre of global metal market. At the turn of October every year, representatives of the metalworking industry meet in the capital city of Great Britain, among others, with contractors, investors or representatives of financing institutions. London Metal Exchange Week is an important event, during which many plenary meetings, debates and discussion panels are held.

On August 27th, another edition of Miners’ Memorial Run took place in Ruda Śląska. For the third time, runners paid tribute to those who died in mine disasters. Adult runners competed at the distance of either 5 or 10 km, and children either 400 or 800 m. The competition was open to any participants. This year, all the proceeds from the event went to the You Can Help Foundation. We are very happy we were able to support this exceptional initiative.

The new reality, which is shaped, above all, by mobility and modern ways of using the Internet, also creates new expectations towards corporate content published online. In the new version, our company website puts a great emphasis on easy access to information about Metaltrade and its offer.